
The sessions really helped me through what I can call a challenging time, from the first session where you took the time to talk through how parts of the brain work and shape my response (from past therapy I don’t think I have ever received this in a way that related). This has really helped me resonate my response and put perspective on what happens.

Since the sessions ended, despite continued life challenges, I feel more resilient, and I have a more positive mindset.


I have had various therapy experiences but the new habits I learnt to recognise and catch negative thinking, approach things with a more positive outlook and trust myself more, seem to be more embedded than before. My life but also the lives of my family have improved since attending these sessions.


I have struggled with my weight for over fifty years, and over that time my eating has been either chaotically out of control, or severely restricted. I have had a pattern of being seriously overweight interspersed with, every five or ten years, restrictive diets (I have tried them all!) leading to between four and six stones of weight loss – but never sustained for more than a few months.

I wanted SF Hypnotherapy to give me the silver bullet which would magically make my eating sensible so the weight would drop away, and was disappointed to learn it couldn’t do that! Nikki explained that what it could do, was clear my brain of stored years of extreme stress, and make it easier for me to make better decisions about food.

In our talking sessions we mostly focused on positive things I could do (eg recording moments of joy, creativity, noticing beauty around me), and on visualising what would be different if I lost weight. We also talked a little about changes I could choose to make in my decisions about food. I loved the trance sessions, which were restorative and gave me a sense of peace.

Our sessions finished about a month ago, and for the past six weeks I have found it relatively easy to make better decisions about what I eat. So far, I have lost over a stone and am delighted by that.


From being a sceptic about therapy and in particular hypnotherapy, I am now an affirmed convert, thanks to Nikki’s patience and clear instructions. She guides you through the sessions, taking time to get to the root of the issue and helping you to come up with solutions that are realistic and easy to implement. The greatest benefits are understanding my reactions and working on them, improved sleep and listening to Nikki’s hypnosis every night!


I reached out to Nikki for help to overcome a needle phobia that I had for over 15 years. Nikki was understanding and professional throughout the sessions and worked with me to change the way I responded to needles . I have since now had a couple of blood tests and my response to the situation has been drastically improved. Thanks for your help!